The Saint Francis Pet Ministry of Christ Episcopal Church is sponsoring its Blessing of the Animals and 2nd Annual Community Pet Fair in honor of St. Francis. Francis of Assisi was an Italian friar, beloved saint, and one of the most venerated individuals in Christian history, who is widely known for his love of nature and animals. His feast day (Oct. 4) is often observed with a service of the Blessing of the Animals. Please join us on Oct. 6 for our Blessing of the Animals service and Community Pet Fair. The event is open to all pets and humans in the community. We hope to see you there!
Bring all your pets! Dogs, cats, birds, turtles, hamsters, etc… stuffed and plush animals… photos if your pets can’t make it… even pet remains. Come even if you don’t have a pet to bless and just want to be part of this wonderful event and see all these critters gathered. We will have treats for pets and humans alike to enjoy.
In addition to the blessing service, several local animal organizations will be on site to share information, answer your questions, and demonstrate what they do for pets and other animals. Come learn about them and how to support them. Participants include: