Every two minutes a child is trafficked to be sexually exploited in the United States! Human trafficking is the 2nd largest criminal enterprise in the world. It is a 15 billion dollar industry. But, what is human trafficking and how does it affect me?
The Rock Hill Baptist Church’s Youth Group will be hosting a Human Trafficking Forum on Wednesday, June 26 beginning at 6 PM and concluding at 8 PM, Guest speakers include the Stafford Sheriff’s Office and Anti-Trafficking International. Childcare will be provided for those with young children.
Please RSVP your spot by either calling the church office (540-752-0336), emailing Sheila Newton (snewton@rockhillbaptistchurch.org) or completing the google form on the church website (www.rockhillbaptistchurch.org).
Every two minutes a child is trafficked to be sexually exploited in the United States! Human trafficking is the 2nd largest criminal enterprise in the world. It is a 15 billion dollar industry. But, what is human trafficking and how does it affect me?
The Rock Hill Baptist Church’s Youth Group will be hosting a Human Trafficking Forum on Wednesday, June 26 beginning at 6 PM and concluding at 8 PM, Guest speakers include the Stafford Sheriff’s Office and Anti-Trafficking International. Childcare will be provided for those with young children.
Please RSVP your spot by either calling the church office (540-752-0336), emailing Sheila Newton (snewton@rockhillbaptistchurch.org) or completing the google form on the church website (www.rockhillbaptistchurch.org).