Who cares about toilets? Wee doo! The UN declared November 19 as World Toilet Day in order to highlight the importance of the humble loo, and to advocate for universal access to safe, dignified sanitation. Ever been out for a late night in DC? Then you, too, understand how valuable a toilet is – especially when it’s hard to come by. That’s why The POOP Project, Griefcat and Throne are teaming up to produce Loo Aid: A World Toilet Day Comedy Fundraising Craptastical!
Come out of the water closet and join in the fun, Nov. 19, 4-5:30pm at the DC Comedy Loft above the Bier Baron Tavern. This crapload of comedy goodness will include excrem-entertainment from The POOP Project’s Shawn Shafner, hilarious musical duo Griefcat, sets from comedians Winston Hodges, TJ Ferguson, and Blaire Postman! WIN some raffle booty courtesy of Tushy, the modern and sustainable bidet company, the FullFillery, a zero-waste refill shop in Takoma Park, Mr. Ellie Pooh’s sustainable elephant dung stationery, and more! PLUS purge your worst bathroom stories with Throne, DC’s quirkiest startup building the future of public restrooms. Join us and give a sh*t: a portion of ticket sales will benefit the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation. Further information and tickets available at https://www.dccomedyloft.com/shows/192141