White, wheat, sourdough, rye, pumpernickel? Whichever variety you prefer, you’ll relish a demonstration of fresh baked bread over the fire in Kenmore’s Historic Kitchen.
Bread was one of the most important foods of colonial times. Watch an 18th century breadmaking demonstration at our opening weekend rendition of our Taste Through Time program.
During your visit, the kitchen will be open for guests to watch a cooking demonstration and learn about the history of bread, its processes, and the people who made it in Colonial America. While you enjoy the presentation, partake in a sampling of the bread for yourself.
The kitchen will be open throughout the day, and entry is included with general admission fees. Visitors may reserve house tour tickets online or purchase on-site at the front desk. Event-only admission can be purchased on-site. Both admission rates include entry to the kitchen.
Event is ongoing from 12:00pm to 5:00pm.
House tours at 12:15pm, 1:30pm, 2:45pm, 3:45pm.
$6 for Adults
$3 for Students ages 6-17
Free for Children under 6
Admission with House Tour
$12 for Adults
$6 for students ages 6-17
Free for Children under 6
Book this tour online for March 2.