Town Talk


Town Talk: Trees of Hope

Anna Billingsley and Lisa Crittenden preview a new, COVID-friendly Trees of Hope.   It’s a major fundraiser for Loisann’s Hope House and their work with homeless families.  


Town Talk: Washington Heritage Museums

Executive Director Anne Darron and Board member Cassie Payne recap the successful Bourbon and Boxwood virtual event and talk about the challenges of museums and COVID-19.   And don’t forget, Giving Day is December 1st.  


Town Talk: Jazz4Justice 2020

We preview the 7th annual Jazz4Justice.   It brings Legal Aid Works and the UMW jazz program together. It’s virtual this year at–Saturday night at 7:30 Guests include: Joel Young (pictured), Ann Kloeckner and Doug Gately


Town Talk: Dr. Brian McDermott

Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Brian McDermott with Mary Washington Orthopedics talks about Anterior Advantage Hip Replacement.


Town Talk: Rappahannock YMCA

Cathy Weise and Naomie Murdoch with the Rappahannock YMCA talk about the annual Turkey Trot–it’s happening!   Also updates on the Community Health Fair (it’s virtual and in-person) and the Healthy Holiday Payback Challenge.


Town Talk: Spotsylvania Schools/Social Workers

From Spotsylvania County Schools- Lisa Dolan, Michelle Patton Swisher and Rene’ Daniels talk about ways to help schools and students with donations.  


Town Talk: John Holden/Stafford Economic Development & Tourism

Stafford Economic Development and Tourism Director John Holden talks about the Critical Tourism Assets Grant,  the Rediscover Stafford Marketing Campaign and upcoming entrepreneurial development workshops.      


Town Talk: Riverside Center for the Performing Arts

Patrick A’Hearn previews A Riverside Family Christmas, November 25-December 27th.


Town Talk: Legal Aid Works

Ann Kloeckner talks about what the pandemic means for the courts, evictions, and foreclosures.  


Town Talk: Outdoors/River Rock Outfitter

Travis Velichko, Keith Peterson and April Peterson with River Rock Outfitter talk about river safety, the outdoors during a pandemic and planning for hiking around here or the Shenandoah.