Town Talk: Janel Donohue/Rappahannock United Way
Rappahannock United Way President Janel Donohue talks about free face masks for non-profits and money for rent and mortgage payments.
Rappahannock United Way President Janel Donohue talks about free face masks for non-profits and money for rent and mortgage payments.
Amy Sudbeck was a concerned mom and citizen. She didn’t like the way area law enforcement was being portrayed. It turned into the Back the Blue rally and is turning into the Back the First Responders Foundation.
Central Rappahannock Regional Library Youth Services Coordinator Darcie Caswell. Topics include: holds and returns, resources for back to school, Virtual PAWS for reading and Time with a Therapy Dog.
Fredericksburg City Councilman Matt Kelly talks about protests and what’s next. We also talk about a transportation dispute with FAMPO and changes in transportation patterns
Jordan Alpert, Marie Stephenson and Cathleen Pessolano of Mental Health America of Fredericksburg preview the annual Another Day Walk. It’s virtual this year. Info
John Mahoney and Jason Tickle with an update. Five new hopes about to be dedicated. Ground breaking for five more. Jeanie Barbrow, the Single Family Housing Program Director with USDA Rural Development talks about their role in
Bryant Halstead with Strength and Honor Motorcycle Club talks about Davey’s Battle Brothers Ride on September 26th. Details on the ride.
Rappahannock Regional Criminal Justice Academy Executive Director Mike Harvey talks about the training area law enforcement receives.
Lori Myers with the Fredericksburg Alzheimer’s Association office talks about local services available in these COVID-19 times. Previewing the 2020 Walk on October 10th. Local info number: 540-228-1502. 1-800-272-3900.
Dave the Computer Guy with Techs in the Burg talks about keeping your computer clean and changes in the industry because of COVID-19. We talk about computers in storms and the rapid advancements of technology.