Town Talk


Town Talk- July 2, 2019

The 4th of July at George Washington’s boyhood home–Ferry Farm.  An update on the archaeological dig at the site.  Alma Withers, Meghan Budinger, Dave Muraca  


Town Talk- July 1

Sunshine Baseball League.   300 kids signed up for the summer league.  More funding = more kids involved in the program that teaches baseball skills, esteem and character.  


Town Talk- June 28

Porter Branch Manager Rachel Placchetti and Adult Services Coordinator Tracy McPeck talk about 50 years for the Central Rappahannock Regional Library and summer reading.  


Town Talk- June 27

Sgt. Aimee Lynch and Officer Paul Dooley from Fredericksburg City Police.  Info on Outdoor Movie Nights at Police Headquarters, Camp Crime Fighter and National Night Out.   Officer Dooley is the School Resource Officer at JM.  We talk


Town Talk: June 26

Lindsay Leach and Debbie Aylor with Spotsylvania County preview the 15th annual Stars and Stripes Spectacular and summer and fall events in the county.  


Town Talk- June 25

Germanna Community College and homeschool students.   Student Brittany Duff, recruiter Kim Viarella and Cheri Maea.  


Town Talk- June 24

Habitat for Humanity of Caroline County and the USDA Mutual Self-Help Housing Program.   Kerry Crowley, Jeannie Barbrow and Jason Tickle talk about 10 new homes in two years in Caroline.  Discussion on the USDA housing program and


Town Talk- June 20

Pat Holland with Healthy Generations Area on Aging talks about the services they provide and opportunities for volunteering.    540-371-3375  


Town Talk- June 18

Arts in the area.   Bill Harris and Gabe Pons.  


Town Talk- June 17

Oya Oliver and LaToya Brown with the Fredericksburg Regional Food Bank talk about Kids on the Go-Summer Feeding.   Also talk about the local needs, ways to volunteer and needs to donate food and funding.