Town Talk- May 22
Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park Chief Historian John Hennessy on Memorial Day in Fredericksburg. Also, a name change for the Stonewall Jackson Shrine.
Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park Chief Historian John Hennessy on Memorial Day in Fredericksburg. Also, a name change for the Stonewall Jackson Shrine.
Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania National Military Park Chief Historian John Hennessy on Memorial Day in Fredericksburg. Also, a name change for the Stonewall Jackson Shrine.
Sunshine Baseball League. Mike Zitz, City Councilman Chuck Frye and Dennis Rapkins. sunshinebaseball.net. Season opens July 1st. Deadline: June 10
Sophia Street Pottery Throwdown preview. Trista Chapman and D.D. Lecky. June 8th, 10-5 in the 1100 block of Sophia Street. It’s free.
The work of Brain Injury Services of Fredericksburg. Zachary Daniel and Lynda Allen. braininjurysvcs.org
Riverside Center for the Performing Arts: The Pirates of Penzance or the Rascals of the Rappahannock. May 22-July 7. Katherine Fly (Director) and Claire Leyden (Mabel). riversidedt.com 540-370-4300
Austen’s Communitas 5K Brain Aneurysm Walk on September 28th. Preview with Ashley Rakes and Stacy Horner-Dunn. Info on Facebook: Communitas for Brain Aneurysm Awareness
Jose Gonzalez and Steve Greiner talk about Links to Freedom–rehabilitation and golf for wounded warriors. There’s a golf tournament, the Freedom Cup, June 3, at Mount Vernon Country Club. linkstofreedom.org
Meg Bohmke and Linda Millsaps talk about extensive work the George Washington Regional Commission provides to area localities.
Stratford Hall Plantation in Westmoreland. We talk about the historic site and upcoming events with Jon Bachman and Anne Wilson. stratfordhall.org