Town Talk


Town Talk: Stafford County Schools

Stafford School Superintendent Dr. Thomas Taylor talks about high school #6 and elementary schools #18 and #19.  Discussions on a plan to help students with mental health issues.  Updates on Chart Your Future and Middle School Pathways.


Town Talk: Regional Housing Summitt

Megan Samples and Sam Shoukas with the Fredericksburg Regional Continuum of Care preview the now sold-out event on October 17th.  Many segments of the community to talk for eight hours about affordable housing.  We talk about issues


Town Talk: UMW Admissions

Sarah Lindberg and Melissa Yakabouski talk about choosing a college and getting into college!  Everything from grades, extracurriculars, the college essay, tuition and FAFSA.  


Town Talk: UMW Admissions

Sarah Lindberg and Melissa Yakabowski talk about choosing a college and getting into college!  Everything from grades, extracurriculars, the college essay, tuition and FAFSA.


Town Talk: Ghostbusters, Virginia

Who you gonna listen to?   Rob Bursk and Jason Glisson are part of Ghostbusters, Virginia.   While they have a lot of fun dressing up and building a proton pack they equally have fun raising money for non-profits–especially


Town Talk: Mary Washington Medical Oncology

Dr. Manan Mehta talks about local changes in local cancer care. Virginia Oncology Care is now Mary Washington Medical Oncology.  He calls it comprehensive are under one roof.  We also talk about advances in cancer care and


Town Talk: Safe Harbor Child Advocacy Center

Elizabeth McNally previews the “Save Jane” event on October 27th at Market Square in downtown Fredericksburg.  Safe Harbor helps victims of child abuse and their non-offending caregivers heal from their trauma through child-focused forensic and mental health


Town Talk: Empowerhouse

Kathleen Harrigan, Rita Girad and Kathy Anderson.   It’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  What’s available locally and a domestic violence story.   24-hour Hotline:  540-373-9373


Town Talk: Wildlife Rescue League and Possum-billities

Carolyn Wilder (Wildlife Rescue League) & Karen Brace (Possum-bilities) talk about the National Lights Out program, keeping critters out of your home as it gets cold, educational and free programs animal-related around the area.


Town Talk: Josh Hardy Superhero Celebration

Cathleen Pessolano with the Fairy Godmother Project and Aimee Hardy:  The Josh Hardy Superhero Celebration is Oct. 14 at Strangeways Brewing from 6-9.  A superhero costume is required!