Town Talk: UMW Museums
Executive Director Scott Harris talks about upcoming programs at the James Monroe Museum and the Gari Melchers Home and Studio at Belmont. Events like Blooming History, Art After Hours and Books at Belmont.
Executive Director Scott Harris talks about upcoming programs at the James Monroe Museum and the Gari Melchers Home and Studio at Belmont. Events like Blooming History, Art After Hours and Books at Belmont.
Dave the Computer Guy with Techs in the Burg says protect your lap top or phone from the intense heat.
Dave the Computer Guy talks with us about computers and the heat, tuning up your pc, the end of Windows 10 and the difference between resetting and restoring a pc. techsintheburg.com
A conversation with Amy Cherry Taylor with Avery Hess Realtors
Courtney Cox previews “In the Next Room.” Aug 11-13 and 18-20. fredericksburgtheatre.org
Stafford Baseball President Michael Bouchard talks about the 14-year old Babe Ruth World Series coming to the region August 5-12th. 41 games. 14 teams including three from Aruba, Australia and Mexico. staffordbaseballworldseries.com
Board member Keith Lebor of the Olde Towne Butcher and Executive Director Cait Woodward preview Loisann’s Day August 27. It’s a festival-style event.
President and CEO Jason Tickle with an update on the building of four homes, his selection as an Allen and Allen Hometown Hero and ways you can volunteer. habitatofcaroline.org
Youth Services Coordinator Darcie Caswell and Adult Services Coordinator Tracy McPeck talk about the Summer Reading Program and reading strategies–finding enjoyable books and being able to stop reading a book!. The Friends of the Library Summer Sale
Allen and Allen’s David Williams introduces us to two of the 2023 Hometown Heroes–John and Leslie Leahy. They’ve introduced thousands of teenagers to service thru the Ceili Leahy Day of Service. clserviceproject.org allenandallen.com Click: Community