Town Talk


Town Talk: Micah Ministries/Coldest Night of the Year

Jill Clare and Meghann Cotter preview the Coldest Night of the Year Walk on February 25th.    You can sign up at   Info on the Jeremiah Community and volunteer and giving opportunities with Micah.


Town Talk: Rappahannock United Way

Rappahannock United Way’s Janel Donohue talks about the free tax service, helps for ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) and Ride United.


Town Talk: Red Cross Blood

Alexis Innis with American Red Cross Blood Services talks about the continued need for blood and for new and continuing donors.


Town Talk: Habitat for Humanity of Caroline County

Caroline Board of Supervisors Chairman Floyd Thomas, Sheriff Scott Moser and Habitat’s Jason Tickle talk about the impact Habitat for Humanity is having on the county now and what building 20 homes over the next two years


Town Talk: Rappahannock Adult Activities

Anna Gately and Alexis Fox talk about Valentine’s Day flowers and the spring plant sale.  Focus on the work to involve adults with intellectual disabilities.


Town Talk: Techs in the Burg

Dave the Computer Guy talks about hacking and how to protect yourself.   Also discussions on football stadium technology, speakers and data centers.


Town Talk: Commissioner of the Revenue-Stafford

Deputy Commissioner Mike Sienkowski and Commissioner Scott Mayausky talk about day-to-day in the office, upgrades to make customer service easier and what makes a good Constitutional Officer.


Town Talk: Central Rappahannock Regional Library

Youth Services Coordinator Darcie Caswell and Youth Services Librarian (at Porter) Ann McDuffie talk about Discover Stafford, the Teen Art Show, Sensory Time and the Adult Winter Reading program.


Town Talk: Downtown Greens

Media Manager Janet Douberly and Executive Director Sarah Perry talk about raising the last $500,000 for 56 acres of land in Fredericksburg.  Info on the 3rd annual Downtown RunAround. The virtual race is March 4-18th.


Town Talk: Virginia Bluebird Society

Anne Little talks about the In the Garden with Tree Fredericksburg speaker series, the proper way to install nest boxes and the need for monitors for boxes.