Town Talk


Town Talk: Rappahannock United Way

Rappahannock United Way’s Janel Donohue with an update on Prosper Students Fall Workshops–formally known as Mission Independence–helps students get ready to the real life.  Update on the annual campaign and rent and mortgage assistance for City and


Town Talk: Josh Hardy Superhero Celebration

Leslie Leahy (Ceili), Courtney Harris (Carter), and Aimee Hardy (Josh) talk about losing a child to cancer and how they’ve been helped locally by the community and the Fairy Godmother Project.   The Josh Hardy Superhero Celebration is


Town Talk: Stafford Parks and Rec

Nicole Moore with Stafford Parks and Rec with info on the Fall Family Festival on Saturday along with therapeutic recreation, exercise for adults 55+ and opportunities to volunteer.  


Town Talk: Dave the Computer Guy

Dave the Computer Guy with Techs in the Burg on the need to secure our computers, how to secure your computers, troubleshooting and proper computer ergonomics.    


Town Talk: Caroline County Schools

Caroline County Schools update: Assistant Superintendent Dr. Herb Monroe, Madison Elementary Principal Teresa Hicks, Lewis and Clark Elementary Cynthia Brown, Caroline Middle School Principal Corrine Griggs.


Town Talk: Central Rappahannock Regional Library

Snow Branch Manager Chuck Gray and Simon Watts with Idea Space with the Central Rappannock Regional Library with an update on programs.  


Town Talk: Safe Harbor Child Advocacy Center

Executive Director Elizabeth McNally previews Save Jane–October 15th at Market Square.   Also, an explanation of the work and helps provided to child victims of abuse.  info @  


Town Talk: Via Colori Stafford

Rene Laws and Sue Henderson preview Via Colori Stafford this Saturday and Sunday at the commuter parking lot on Courthouse Road near I-95.


Meegana Henry: Hiking Out West

April Peterson talks with Meegana Henry–somewhere on the Oregon Coast Trail.


Town Talk: Fredericksburg Mayor Greenlaw & Vice-Mayor Frye

Mayor Mary Katherine Greenlaw and Vice-Mayor Chuck Frye discuss council priorities-Fredericksburg 2036- and the upcoming ceremony to unveil the Historical Marker of the Freedom Rides.