Town Talk


Town Talk: Habitat for Humanity of Caroline County

Habitat of Caroline’s Jason Tickle with an update:  Five homes being built in Caroline.  You might qualify for the USDA’s Rural Development program.  A partnership with the Community Foundation.   Lots of volunteer opportunities.


Town Talk: Local museums after the pandemic

Anne Darron with Washington Heritage Museums and Scott Harris with the University of Mary Washington Museums talk about how the pandemic and social unrest has impacted them–and what the future looks like.


Beware of military scams

Barry Moore with the Better Business Bureau of Central Virginia talks with us about the most common scams that impact the military, veterans and their families.    


Town Talk: Fredericksburg Sister City response to COVID in Nepal

Dr. David Rettinger from UMW, David Caprara with the Fredericksburg-Nepal Exchange Board, and Scott DeLisi-former American Ambassador to Nepal talk about rising COVID in the country and how the region is responding.


Town Talk: Rappahannock United Way

Rappahannock United Way’s Janel Donohue talks about their just concluded tax help program and how many people they assisted during the pandemic. Info on thanking essential workers and the impact COVID had on this area.


Town Talk: Dave the Computer Guy

Dave the Computer Guy with Techs in the Burg in downtown Fredericksburg talks about virus protection, protecting your home or work PC from being hijacked and held for ransom and what’s best–5g or 2.4 wifi signals.  


Town Talk: Sally Struthers and Riverside Center for the Performing Arts

Riverside’s Patrick A’Hearn and Sally Struthers talk about COVID and the arts.  Riverside set to begin again June 2nd.


Town Talk: Respect the Rapp

Lt. Jon Henson with Stafford Fire and Rescue Swift Water Rescue Team, Kelsey Bracewell with the American Canoe Association and April Peterson with River Rock Outfitter talk river safety and the launch of Respect the Rapp and


Town Talk: Downtown Stafford

Stafford Economic Development and Tourism Director John Holden, joined by Tom Snyder of and Rachel Newberry RiOT talk about Downtown Stafford, Project Next and the Smart Community Testbed.  


Town Talk: Fredericksburg Area Service League

Taylor Glascock and Sarah Li talk about the work in the region of the Fredericksburg Area Service League.   It’s women volunteers who raise money and organize events to enrich the lives of children.