Town Talk


Town Talk: FailSafe-ERA

Deneal Kennedy and Juanita Shanks talk about the work (and origin of the name) of FailSafe-ERA. Discussion on the programs to help inmates transition back into society. Focus on helping returning citizens and their families.


Town Talk: Fredericksburg Salvation Army

Fredericksburg Salvation Army Captain Shauntrice Williams talks about their many areas of service  It’s National Salvation Army Week.  


Town Talk: Great Train Race preview

Great Train Race preview.   It’s June 6th.  Benefits Loisann’s Hope House.   Lisa Crittenden and Brian Pessalano with the Fredericksburg Area Running Club.


Town Talk: Blue Star Mothers of Fredericksburg

Faye Mohler and Teri Reece of Blue Star Mothers of Fredericksburg:  Their work and helps to families in the region and how you can get involved in sending notes and packages to troops.  And…there’s a golf tournament


Town Talk: City Councilman Matt Kelly

City Councilman Matt Kelly with updates on the city budget, the need for a new school, changes in council elections, an upcoming council retreat and roundabouts.


Joy McIntire-Central Rappahannock Regional Library

Joy McIntire, the Branch Services Coordinator with the Central Rappahannock Regional Library, with updates on Library Express and curbside pickup, Friends of the Library bookshops, LinkedIn Learning and CRRL-CON.  


Town Talk: Local baseball opportunities

Mike Zitz, Ernie Baker, Jim Toler and Dennis Rapkins talk about the Sunshine Baseball League, a free baseball clinic in June and Pitch, Hit and Run and the Junior Home Run Derby on May 15th.


Town Talk: Fairy Godmother Project

Andie McConnell talks about the work of Fairy Godmother Project–caring for families dealing with pediatric cancer.  Update on new programs and expanding their reach into the Northern Neck.  


Town Talk: Fairy Godmother Project

Andi McConnell talks about the work of Fairy Godmother Project–caring for families dealing with pediatric cancer.  Update on new programs and expanding their reach into the Northern Neck.  


Town Talk: Stafford Sheriff's Office

Captain Lee Peters and Deputy Steve Curtis with the Stafford Sheriff’s Office talk motorcycles on the road, speeding, running red lights, locking your car at night and the Stafford Shield program.